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Which Round Should I Apply In?

There are so many moving parts to coordinate as you prepare your business school applications. The earlier you begin preparing, the easier it will be to submit your applications regardless of which round you apply in. As a basic rule, it is never too early to start thinking about business school!

Here are some points to consider as you decide when to apply.

1. You only have one chance to make a first impression, will your application be submitted with the required thought and care?

Preparing a business school application can be an emotional journey. There is a significant amount of self-reflection required for you to be able to share your goals and write essays that will make you stand out among other applications. Each essay question often requires multiple revisions and even several different versions until an applicant is happy with it. With each application containing multiple questions and an applicant apply to several schools, answering all of the essays questions can take weeks to months.

It is better to give your absolute best effort to your application than to submit a rushed version. While most schools allow reapplicants to apply, it can be challenging to show improvement in fit to the program with a reapplication. You only have one chance to share your story and motivations for applying to business school. Make sure that you have the time to think through what you want to say and that you can get feedback on your application from a trusted advisor, friends, or family.

2. Are you giving your recommenders enough time to complete their letters?

Relying on a supervisor or a colleague to write you a letter of recommendation can be incredible stressful. Even in cases where you have a very strong relationship with your recommender, you should give them a few weeks’ notice to complete the letter and be flexible around their busy schedule.

The letter of recommendation process is also one that you need to manage. You will likely need to have various touch points with your recommender to provide guidance or to answer their questions about the process and you should leave enough time for this.

3. Have you had the time to interact with your top choice schools?

Applying to business school is unlike applying to any other program. The business world is one of networking and connections. Similarly, you should treat the business school application process as one where personal connections matter. You should plan ahead in order to be able to attend admissions events and to meet MBA recruiters either on campus, during their travels, or through virtual events. Meeting current students is also an important part of the process. All of your communications with a business school will help you learn more about the school. When you plan ahead you will have the time for these valuable interactions.

Each element of the application process often takes longer than you expect. Give yourself enough time and make sure to submit an application that you are proud of!

Oriel Admissions has helped many candidates get admitted to top business schools in the US and internationally. If you would like to know more about our services and how the Oriel team can help you with your applications, please contact Rona at for a free consultation.

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