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Columbia MBA Application Essay #2

How will you take advantage of being “at the very center of business”? (250 words)

This essay prompt for the 2018-19 application cycle to Columbia Business School requires you to watch a video before commencing the essay. The video is a 1.5 minute video featuring Professor Glenn Hubbard, the Dean of Columbia Business School.

Watching the Video

There are a few key themes throughout the video that shed light onto how Columbia Business School views itself and its MBA program. I have summarized those themes below.

1. Getting an MBA will allow you to develop yourself as a leader as well as to think like an entrepreneur and identify how to capture opportunity.

This statement from the video is noteworthy in that there is an element of entrepreneurship. The school wants its students to have their eyes open to the opportunities around them and to take advantage of those opportunities.

2. Teaching in classroom is shaped by the global business environment. Columbia is able to bridge theory and practice because of its location in New York City and because it can allow students the opportunity to connect with resources across the city.

Columbia can provide access to the many companies with offices in New York City and it also has unique relationships with leaders and executives at those companies. Its location makes it unlike any other business and you need to consider how you will take advantage of these opportunities.

3.There are many good business school but only a few are truly great.

Columbia thinks of itself as a truly great business school and wants to be certain that you think of it in the same light. This is really important to Columbia, they want to be your first-choice program and your essays need to reflect your passion and excitement for their school.

Answering the Essay

This essay is a variation of a question that Columbia has asked in past applications. The school wants to be certain that you are the type of person who will be excited and driven by New York City. CBS and New York City are intertwined and the school is very proud of the fact that its students are only minutes away from an incredible business community that can drive their business school learning and experience.

When you answer this question remember that it is a personal question that tries to get to the heart of what your priorities will be while you are at business school. You must demonstrate the research that you have completed into the program. This is a situation where reading the website is not enough. You need to dig deeper into the program and understand how its offerings are unique. This can entail visiting the school to attend a class, taking part in an information session in person or virtually, or speaking to current students or a recent alumnus.

Remember that this is a short essay, with only 250 words and you will need to be very concise and choose each word and sentence carefully to get your point across. Work to connect your specific knowledge about the program with your interests and passion and your career goals. You are telling a story with your application and this essay should fit with the image that you are projecting and your interests.

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